The High-Tech Business of Parenting

The High-Tech Business of Parenting
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Since the technology has penetrated in our lives, our each and every single activity now has become tech addict. Even our toddlers cannot stay away from the technological world. In this situation, parents are also not behind than anyone else. Technology has played an important role in parenting; parents used to of using different tech gadgets in order to make their parenting role more sophisticated and effective. Well, we use these tech gadgets for the sake of making comfort in our own lives but at the same time, these technological products create different sort of issues in our daily life. Young children use to of using smartphones even in their toddler days. Parents often want their young kids to stay away from smartphones and they want to play only with their wooden toys. Technology has grasped our minds, now it is almost to avoid technology from our babies. In the current scenario, baby care is one of the huge trends in order to do parenting through technological products. The baby’s connection with technology even starts before they have come into existence, once you have decided to have a baby, and then there are plenty of tech-devices are available in the market which can be used to monitor your fertility and even every stage of your pregnancy.

There are following high-tech parenting products which are very helpful for parenting and are popular in parenting business.

Pacifier Thermometer tech gadget:

If parents want to take their baby’s temperature, then the pacifier “Thermometer” is the best antinode. The old fashioned thermometers force parents to pull the legs, arms and have to open the baby’s mouth in order to get simple readings. No in the current situation it is the best tech tool for babies in order to make check fever intensity in the middle of the night without making trouble in baby’s dreams while sleeping.

MamRoo Swing:

We all know that old-fashioned “merry go rounds” are not seen anywhere, but those are replaced by the new technological thing known as MamRoo Swing. It is the new tech product in order to make your child a comfortable sleep. Its swing and its bouncy chair will help you out baby to sleep having five different sorts of movements.

View your baby video through the internet:

Most of the people have their opinion that audio monitoring things are good, I think these people don’t have the toddler who acts like sleepy and then climbs over everything in their way while in the room. So, therefore video is far better than audio one because moms often work in the kitchen and their kids move here and there without giving clue.  So, the video monitoring is the best option for toddlers.

Breast Pump:

Being mom of a baby all mothers knew that Brest feeding is the most beautiful experience every mom has in their life. But in the current world, this beautiful thing is almost gone; every mom wants a Breast Pump in order to feed their baby. Moms used to of having Breast Pumps mostly when they are outside the house. They often put the fresh bottle of pumped milk into the fridge in order to use this bottle when they need it the most.

The Baby Shusher tech device:

All moms want to hear the voice when their babies are crying and in response, they want to make keep quite with the ease and love. Let’s suppose mom is available at the moment when her baby is crying then the baby shusher will help out the mother, baby shusher actually shushes your baby by making a voice. The device makes rhythmic sounds of the womb and trigger your baby’s natural calming reflex and ultimately helping your baby to stop crying.

Snuza Monitor baby’s movement:

We all know that when or baby make the movement of their body and rule over on his tummy in his crib, we are all fixed to curiosity. Your baby may sleep like a rock but at the same time how the back is best, how you will enable to catch any Zzzzz? The Snuza device is for to monitor your baby’s movement. It actually monitors the movement of the body; you just need to clip the device on the diaper of your baby very close to his tummy. So, let’s suppose if there will be no movement within the 15 seconds then an alarm will automatically ringing. The Snuza baby’s movement device is for those parents who used to checking plenty of time their kids while they are sleeping.

Itzbeen pocket Nanny:

Are you remembers when you have last time changed the diaper of your baby? Maybe yes, but we are very sure about that you did not remember when you are in throes of newborn- Dom. The Itzbeen pocket Nanny is very useful to keeping track of your baby’s naps.

Smartphones devices:

Yeah, we heard that often, that mobile phones may cause serious issues for young kids, but this device has plenty of advantages too. Not for the reason it has number of apps, calendar, and camera, because sometimes it help moms to feed their kid in the middle of the night In the absence of the light, sometimes child make crying and moms have others important things to do, then mobile helping them out to make their child smile and sleepy. When your baby become a toddler then it helps you a lot because it has video function games which catch the attention of the toddlers and engage him to play with the mobile device.

Author Bio:

Aline carrara fill in as tech and digital parenting expert. She is managing technical content at cell phone spy software, listen live phone calls, and monitor social instant messaging logs. Follow her on twitter @alinecarrara7

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